Refund Policy

The following refund policy is applicable for the services we are providing.

1. Full Refunds:

* If you have paid the full month's fee after the trial session and decide to change your plan before the start of regular classes, the fee for that month will be refunded.

* If for any reason we are unable to arrange the schedule before regular classes begin and you have paid the fee in advance, a refund will be issued for that month.

2. No Refunds:

Once your classes are scheduled and you have attended a regular class with one of our tutors and choose not to continue for the remainder of the month, refunds will not be entertained.

3. Transferring Fees:

If you inform us before the start of the month and want to resume classes in the next month, the paid fee can be transferred to the next month only.

4. Chargeback Fee Deduction:

Please note that when issuing refunds, a chargeback fee is applied by our payment processor. Your refund amount will be adjusted to account for this fee.

5. Limitations on Refunds:

If the chargeback fee exceeds the collected fee amount, a refund will not be offered in such cases.

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